I’m hoping somebody might be able to help. I’ve had my Brymen BM079 Clamp meter a few years, it’s not see a huge amount of use – just occasionally, and has always been looked after carefully.
Several months ago I started to have some issues with testing voltages, sometimes it showed 0V when I know there should be voltage present, and on retesting it would be fine.
Initially I put it down to user error, or poor contact on the leads etc. However, recently I went to check a 12V circuit and was getting 0V no matter how many times I checked.
I swapped to another meter which confirmed the problem is with the BM079.
I have now started to check the meter in more detail and found some very odd behaviour which is not always consistant.
I’m somewhat limited to what I can check as I no longer have access to a bench PSU so have had to make do with some odd bits I have a home.
I’ve tested with multiple sets of leads, changed the batteries etc, ruled out all the basics.
The ranges for Diode check, capacitance, resistance, temperature and EF all seem to work fine and values agree with my other meter.
The amp clamp appears to work although I only did a quick test and haven’t compared it to a known good meter.
The frequency function seems to work, although there has been a couple of times where it took an unusually long time to get a reading.
The main issue seems to be with the volt function.
Checking several voltage sources:
- 9V AC power supply - seems to work fine and agrees with my other meter.
- 1.2V DC battery - the meter will count up from 0 in 0.1V increments at roughly one count evert 0.5 seconds until it reaches 1.2V. Final reading agrees with other meter. This behaviour is very repeatable. If you remove the leads it will start counting back down to 0 at the same rate.
- 5.8V DC battery - the meter will again count up typically from 4.5V to 5.8 volts in 0.1V increments. Sometimes it will read 5.8V immediately, occasionally it will start form 3.2V.
- 9v DC power supply - the meter will instantly display reading which agrees with my other meter.
- 18V power tool battery – instantly display reading 17.9V, then counts up further 0.5v in 0.1V increments.
- 5.2V DC phone charger – instantly displays reading, consistent and agrees with other meter.
The meter is out of warranty, I haven’t yet contacted Brymen, as I suspect any repair cost will be more than it is worth. Obviously I would like to fix it if possible.
It seems like there shouldn’t be anything catastrophically wrong as it is mostly working - but this is well outside of my level of experience and comfort zone.
I guess the next step is to take it apart although I doubt there will be anything obviously wrong.
Any suggestions on what I should look out for or where to start testing would be gratefully appreciated!