7) DS1000Z: up to 30000 wfs/s (claimed), up to 63000 wfs/s (!!!
) (measured); DS2000A: up to 50000 wfs/s (claimed), up to 53000 wfs/s (measured).
Fagear - I watched your video, but I couldn't understand how you thought you were measuring waveform update rates. Granted, I don't speak Russian, so I could be misunderstanding something, but I didn't see any valid method of measuring. For example, at 8:53 you have the DS2000 set to 10us/div with the frequency counter showing ~54kHz while running on AUTO trigger. Did you believe that was showing that the DSO is capturing ~54000 waveforms a second? Well, it's not - as you can check with simple math:
At 10us/div (and memdepth <= screen size), it takes 140us to capture the full waveform for display (10us * 14 divs). That means the absolute maximum waveforms that ANY DSO could theoretically capture in that time would be 7142 (1/140us) - and that would be with ZERO blind time (in other words, impossible).
The DS2000 actually captures ~1000 wfrm/s @ 10us/div. See my waveform update rate chart
down towards the bottom of this message. The maximum rate I've measured on the DS2000 is 52770 wfrm/s using DOTS mode @ 20ns/div - and I don't think the DS1000Z gets close to this.
Valid waveform update rates can not be measured while using the AUTO trigger - and if you're going to use the frequency counter on the DSO, you have to loop the Trigger Out back into the DSO on another channel (or External Trigger In).
12) DS1000Z: 90,5 MB internal storage; DS2000A: 64 kB internal storage.
Where did you get these numbers from? Are they published somewhere?