Products > Test Equipment

Fluke 15 & 17 Burden Voltage

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Has anyone measured Flukes 15B or 17B's burden voltage on any current range? There's no mention about on the manual provided on Fluke's website.
I am especially interested in the 4A and 10A range.

From the manual, get the shunt resistance, and use ohms law?

My 17B shows 0.05 Ohm in A range, 2.23 Ohm in mA range, 101.3 Ohm in uA range for series resistance at the sockets. Each of its supplied leads shows 0.05 Ohm. Measured with MS8218 delta zeroed. From there maybe you can estimate.


--- Quote from: Rerouter on November 02, 2012, 09:15:26 am ---From the manual, get the shunt resistance, and use ohms law?

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I don't think that's specified in the manual.


--- Quote from: Salas on November 02, 2012, 09:17:12 am ---My 17B shows 0.05 Ohm in A range, 2.23 Ohm in mA range, 101.3 Ohm in uA range for series resistance at the sockets. Each of its supplied leads shows 0.05 Ohm. Measured with MS8218 delta zeroed. From there maybe you can estimate.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Salas!
So roughly it would be 0.2V on the 4A range (0.05V per Amp ) and 0.4V on the 10A range (0.04V per Amp)?  Of course excluding the leads.


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