Products > Test Equipment
Fluke 8010A restoration
My school decided to get rid of some old stuff and I got two of these Flukes for free. They are dirty, few scratches from students abusing them, and the LCDs are more or less busted, but other than that, they seem to work correctly. Google told me that they are well made and accurate, and still have some value on eBay so why not restore them. I'm going to keep one for myself and maybe sell the other (if I don't break them!).
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The other screen is actually usable but looks very bad. The other works just enough for me to see that the meter is probably working. I ordered two new displays for 8 USD here: Below is the old display. It uses Intersil 7106 compatible (well, one pin difference) controller so I'm hopping to make it work easily.
I also found something nasty. Doesn't look nice in otherwise beautiful board. Haven't looked yet if the other one has the same nasty surprise.
I couldn't resist so I had to do some cleaning today. This front panel looks better already, but it still needs some hydrogen peroxide to make it white again. They were white back in the 80's right?
I have 3 of those all broken (ohms and voltage measurements are ok but they do not measure amps, whereas all fuses are ok). Need to investigate later. I used 3% Hydrogene peroxyde bought in a pharmacy to clean them but it did not work. I have also hydrogene peroxyde used to manufacture PCBs. May be that one will do the job? One of mine has like your top dmm the side plastic broken.
--- Quote from: Rick on October 08, 2013, 06:04:31 pm ---I used 3% Hydrogene peroxyde bought in a pharmacy to clean them but it did not work.
--- End quote ---
Need more than 3% and lots of UV light to work. This stuff is supposed to work, and it's not liquid so it will stay on the surface longer:
To brighten up old plastics, H2O2 alone is not enough usually. Check out this to see how to make your own stuff to whiten plastics:
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