I still can't solve the problem with the thumbnail. When turning on the oscilloscope and saving an image or waveform. at the set range of 200MSa/s (200ns/div to 5ns/div) the created thumbnail is damaged.
instead of the signal value, the value 0xF5 is inserted there. I don't understand where it is taken there, and why it is not there with other settings.
I am attaching the thumbnail file.
2. wav is not ok, corrupted input hex0x3B 0x3A
17.wav is corrupted by multiple input of F5 instead of the correct value.
void scope_thumbnail_set_trace_data(PCHANNELSETTINGS settings, uint8 *buffer) in scope functions
or here
void scope_create_thumbnail(PTHUMBNAILDATA thumbnaildata)
As you can see, the wav files look fine, but the thumbnail doesn't.
I also wondered if the preview is not made from the displayed data, instead of the raw data that contains the wav. It's been a long time, it definitely needs a fresh look.
The image of the problem overview is on page 62 at the very bottom
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/fnirsi-1013d-100mhz-tablet-oscilloscope/1525/can someone look at it, thanks