We still need confirmation the options stay enabled in future firmware updates otherwise it isn't a hack but a bug. It would be sad when people make their purchase based on the availability of the full-featured SA for the base price only to find out they can only use an old firmware version which doesn't have the latest features.
I would hardly call it hack since, man - you don't have to do anything, just upgrade FW, wtf

? It's certainly a bug.
To me what is more important is to test it now if it really is capable of 3.2GHz span on 2.1GHz model and do all these enabled options work as well, because once you know the technical capabilities are the same then we can do hacks on software. Also if it works it's great base to start working on real hack - I mean for example you could dump memory from EEPROM when you had old FW and then dump once again when upgraded to new one, and see what's changed (maybe nothing unfortunately if it's related to real software bug like IDK wrong date checking?). By the way if it is possible to get trial versions for 48h, isn't it possible to manually adjust RTC clock and find and replace date in memory, I know it's pain in ass solution, but anyway.