For those who are working hard to make this happened. We appreciate the work done by all the people who are taking their time to make this cheap and powerful instrument available to everybody.
However, we have to recognize that the amount of work to make progress on cracking will rise exponentially while RIGOL fixing each of the BUG we use to crack it. When we are talking about profiting the community as a whole, we not only need to consider how soon we could get the joy but more importantly how many people will benefit from it. We admit all the efforts, however, release the crack now is more like to kill the Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs, which sabotages the interests of the whole community.
If you already own one, that is great, now the firmware is patchable and we are able to get everything working, but based on our prediction, the amount of MSO5000 series on the market is just around hundreds of units, let's wait for others. Aside from the factory lead time, there are still tons of BUGs inside the current firmware, from FFT leakage to various BUG in LA.
Thanks for RIGOL to provide such this relatively cheap instrument with such high performance.