Do not use this new here shared 110531.1 FW (tinhead shared .up) for new HW version 10070 scopes.
this time it is not compatible without some adjustment/repair.
Only for HW 10050 and below afaik.
(original factory installed 110531.1 works of course with new 10070 HW)
right, sorry i forgot to tell this because in principle all hw1007 boards have exact the same firmware version .. of course except fixed help file and patched dso.exe to support larger CSV export ... now i see the problem, if someone having
hw1007 try to update over existing "same" firmware then of course the DSO will stop to work properly.
The reason is actually very simple, the update script don't know "yet" hw1007, so it will copy wrong FPGA design.
This will not damage the hardware, but the firmware will not work properly.
In such case you have to:
- copy attached file to USB stick
- insert stick into DSO
- connect over UART
- run this
killall dso.exe - run
cp /mnt/dn.rbf / - run
chmod 777 /*and then start the dso application by typing /dso.exe
as far i can see this should be sufficient.
I case you tried to "fix" with self-calibration you will have to run it again after these steps in above.
Some tech. background:
Since hw1007 the firmware (dso.exe) is checking the hardware revision within few functions and calling in a different
way the FPGA. So if the eeprom/board are 1007 everything fine as long the fpga design is from hw1007.
Now what here happens is that the update script don't know yet hw1007 and definitely copied older fpga design file
overwriting the 1007 version, which of course don't have new functions implemented and the DSO is getting "crazy".
Therefore this simple fix - restore of hw1007 fpga design file (dn.rbf) should helps out.
Even if there is some backward compatibility (actually the dn.rbf from hw1007 works on hw0 too), i would
not recommend to use different version than the one designed for the specific hw revision.
We can test many things, but we don't have view into the sources, so it might be dangerous mixing versions.
The executable itself (dso.exe) is a different story, Hantek will probably some day drop support for hw 0,
but as of now they still supporting and developing only one executable file for all models (even these 500MSs models have the same dso.exe file) and all hw revisions.