Hi walt,
Have you tried actually that? Is there any more pictures?
Could you give us more information about the element - like picture of the main board?
... before ppl spend now time desoldering parts and measuring things which have none or only less influence on the noise i can already tell you where this noise is coming from.
In principle when more than one ADCs are used (and here we have up to 8th) the gain of ADC / channels must be identical. Now when you look
on the schematics you will see all refin/out of all ADCs are connected together - this is common practice for low budged DSOs but not the
best way (external ref with compensation would be better)
Then of course there is additional noise coming from not 100% exact calibrated input stage (you can't calibrate exact with given components),
and finally the overlcoked ADCs/bit noisy PSU/missing caps on ADCs are giving another part of the noise.
Now the gain difference is producing the major part, you can see it when you disable interleaving and disable all-1 ADC (this can be done by firmware patching and some
nice tricks - i don't want to talk about right now because these are more or less internal things which i observer/reversed and got confirmed by manufacturer - and they
of course don't want to talk about internal things in public - competitors are everywhere and watching). In principle all these AD9288/AD9481/HWD9481 scopes have exact the
same problems - some using bit more interpolation, some slowing down firmware to allow the scope to capture 2 waveforms (to avg a bit), other both things.
Interpolation filter can of course produce some digital noise from nothing when the calibration/gain is not perfect.
And yeah, all ADCs are clocked by FPGA - the jitter is giving the rest, the interleaving is not prfect anymore so no way to calibrate perfectly.
Sure the firmware is trying to arrange signals based on cross zero values while in factory calibration, but this is only static data,
temp drift, voltage drift, gain drift and signal type are dynamic.
But there is nothgin you can do in 5 mintues to get it solved. Sure you can repalce all ADCs by better/different models
(did it already - twice, first run was mistake as no chance to overlock new ADCs, second run - still not ready, need dedicated clocks for that),
replace FPGA clock source by extrem low jitter clock (did it already, bit less distortion for HF signals), evt. repalce complettly FPGA clock for ADCs by
dedicated clock chip (working on it now), add additional caps (did it),
improve input stage (did it), patch a bit firmware (did it) - but then you will realize that the total costs of such hacks/improvements doubled
the price of DSO. So when you don't want spend money - take these DSOs (and now i mean UNI-T, HanTekway, RIGOL E ser.,
Instek A series, Tonghui, ATTEN, Siglent) as they are - low range but still good DSOs.
And before you ask - was it worth for me to imporve my DSO? Depends - from pure $$ point of view NO (i spend already ore than 1k USD for whatever was necessary to do my work)
from a fun point of view - sure i like my job, from a signal quality improvement point of view - YES.
Will i post improvement if they make sense? Maybe, depends on complexity, a dedicated clock PCB is nothing which can be done at home.
What i definitely will post is LAN addon for current platform (hw1007, should also work with hw1005).
Now Hantek spend of course some time too to find a way to imporve current hardware, the hw1007 calibration is taking a bit more care about potential gain
difference, i heard BM/BMV models will have additional improvement (what kind - no idea yet).
Anyway, if you don't lkie the noise - sell the scope and buy Agilent or the new Tektronix, sure they cost a bit more but as always, you get what you paid for.