In one Tektronix (old) digiscope have very nice feature.
If use Sin(x)/x then can select "highlighted" real sample dots.
(of course always can select display dots. In this mode it do not make any calculated "joke" dots. In this mode every displayed dot is just real sampled dots as is. .... Yes I know.. it have been expensive scope. So I do not compare but today these kind of things maybe more easy to implement.
These "joke" dots are not what something chinese developers designed, this is actualy what known manufacturers are doing too.
The only difference is, that you can (well, on some models not) switch interpolation on/off where on HanTekway is always on
and only the way how the interpolation result will be displayed can be changed.
But as you saw i was able to find the right place in firmware and disable interpolation, so there should be no
issue for HanTekway engineers (when they can read and have DSO to test, haha) to implement it too.
I also asked for some other things which might be usefull, like avg. mode for 40k, from a hardware point of view
the can implement 4,8 and 16 avg. when in 40k.
And also some other features which can be easily implemented, like 20k memory depth mode - it is there
but disabled on 1GSs model, for what ? They can re-enable it, this will then work easily with 500MSs, from
my calculations even 1GSs should work.
What else, yeah, equ. sampling is crapy implemented. It works, yes, but they did it in wrong way (they using all ADCs).
It is enough to use 2 ADCs per channel (so sample with 200MSs) when in equ. mode - and collect samples over longer time.
This will reduce dramaticaly the distortion created by the jitter - whn i do it by disabling ADCs and patching firmware
to collect more, the waveform looks really nice (again, when i can patch something they should be able to implement
it into source).
I even proposed them my help in case their engineers don't know what i changed to get good result, of course for free.
Also one note. Old times these leaders did not afraid publice full documents. Schematics, all details with thousend of sides expalanations in theory and practice. All test and calibration details... everything. They did not afraid as chinese or japanese.Everyone can copy...yes. Is it problem. NO. Becouse one secret thing. Quality is difficult to copy! This is key point!
yeah, they afraid about everything. However japanese manufacturers are not that bad, i got service manuals
from Yokogawa after i asked with some help over my japanese customer email account - in EMEA/NA you
can only dream about it to get them.