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HELP and finding experience about HANTEK DSO1060


hi everybody

normally working oscilloscope now dead
please DO NOT press OK and power button same time !!

its like a joke
Im just press on-off button when press OK button
now oscilloscope is dead, do not opening

any experince anyone ?
is it firmware lost ?

hantek no any support me
they are say "end of warranty" (old product)

normal power on cycle:

1-press on-off button and hold 3 second, remove finger
2-beep sound
3-come screen logo
4-hearing some relay sound
5-oscilloscope ready

1-press on-off button and hold 3 second, remove finger
2-beep sound
3-no any screen
4-no any relay sound

I can hardly understand what you are saying ...

dear T4P

I mean
just press two button and my oscilloscope doesnt work now
I found any solution for repair it


Couple of things you can try:

The following "resets" or "rolls back" the instrument:

Turn the unit OFF

Then press and hold the ENTER button. Hold it for 2 seconds and then continue to hold the ENTER [OK] key depressed whilst pressing and releasing in sequence F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5.

You should hear a beep when each of these buttons is pressed (remember, you are still holding down the ENTER key whilst pushing each of the function buttons).

Then release the ENTER key.
Turn the unit ON to see if there is any change in operation.

(Doing the above did appear at first to fix the problems - but the next time I turned the 'scope on, well, it didn't turn on!)

If this doesn't work, there is a possibility that you have a problem with the 32.768k crystal in position Y4 - This was the cause of my DSO1060 failure.. This is a little "watch" crystal which apparently is prone to failure.. On my 'scope I changed this crystal and the unit worked... But checking the crystal I had removed, I found that it was not faulty - I think the problem was that the can of the crystal was not properly soldered (these cans do not wet well, need to be rubbed with a bit of emery paper and tinned before they are mounted)

Best of luck! I spent a day on my 'scope - And I was lucky that the supplier I purchased the 'scope from (Circuit Specialists Europe Ltd ) were extremely helpful and went to great lengths to assist me.

ps - when going through the reset procedure, you should hear a beep each time a function key is pressed - If the "beep" sounds "sick" from any of the buttons (a few of mine sounded like a dying musical greeting card) then you probably have a crystal fault.

The crystal can be seen on your first photo of the board - up at the top, left hand side, there is a small square IC near (left of)  the beeper - under this (quite close to it) is the "watch" crystal.

If this fixes your 'scope, a small donation to would be lovely!


I have no deep "inside information" about these 'scopes - I do not know what the full effect of the reset procedure above is - Anything you do is entirely your own risk!

Also - As the reset procedure seems to be started by pushing the enter key while the instrument is off, followed by other keys while it is held down, I SUSPECT that there may be other hidden key combinations involving pressing the enter key while the instrument is powered off..

As the problem described by maxiq4 seems to have been caused by combining keys, its probably not a good idea to push any two keys simultaneously.. The "reset" or "rollback" required a sequence which would be difficult to initiate by accident, and this leads me to believe (hope) that any other actions will require a sequence and not just two keys - but I dont know this for sure!


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