I just downloaded the latest manual from Rigol and it says they've now added "High Res" mode.
HiRes will make a huge difference to the noise level by leveraging that massive 8Ghz sample rate.

Fiorino, we need another test with "HiRes" mode enabled.
Yes, please, stop...

He already did it. It didn't help, it simply low pass filtered out signal of interest. It hid it.
First thing, HiRes on MSO5000 has been around for some time now, and it's not big help...
They had to downsample 32 times to get something and then not much. HiRes makes it 250Msps/s single channel, down to 62.5Msps/s 3 or 4 channels enabled. 32 MHz max bandwidth at max sample rate, and if you grab longer sequences even lower.
You keep ignoring one fact (probably deliberately by now, because to you it's not about facts but about winning the argument even with lies and misdirection, apparently) that it is
not about small signals per se but about
details in signal that can be quite large.
High noise makes ENOB (effective number of bits) even less than already not very big 8 bits. So you see thick big sinewave on MSO5000, and a sinewave with a small squarewave superimposed on top on other scope that had low noise and had retained it's resolution better. Hi res scope would do even better, and that is why every manufacturer now is trying to go 10 or 12 or even more bits. It is not irrelevant.
MSO5000 is not useless. It's a scope that you can do work with. There are some usage scenarios when it's high noise won't stop you from doing your job. For some people that might be good enough. Mostly because if you don't know you have a problem, you cannot worry about it..
But, putting head in a sand doesn't make it better or equally good as some other equipment that actually have better specifications and can show signals MSO5000 cannot. Other instruments are literally much better for this kind of measurements. If you only need scope to decode 4 decodes at the same time, yeah, then MSO5000 will be better because other scopes mentioned don't have 4 decode channels. But mediocre analog performance didn't go away and suddenly became perfect. No, it is still mediocre but you don't care. Which is OK if you are FULLY AWARE of all pros and cons.
But fanboying like yours tries to make it like MSO5000 is equally good in EVERY parameter as other scopes. It is NOT.
If you're doing analog,
there are better choices.