I emailed the makers of the actual cal meter this morning who replied: "Model 3010A (8ppm) would provide the necessary capabilities appropriate for your Solarton 7150"
I then asked about their suggested TUR ratio, they replied:
"The Solartron 7150 specifications are :
70ppm in 5 1/2 digit mode (Best DCV spec)
35ppm in 6 1/2 digit mode (Best DCV spec)
So @ 8ppm accuracy (best DCV accuracy) the 3010A offers 4:1 ratio
I worked out the 7150 to be 22 ppm - but I didn't factor-in anything else, so 35ppm sounds perhaps right.
The moral of the story is, if you have to measure apples with oranges - just don't forget to juice them first!