I have an early 70900a that is not working -- seems to loop around self test -- which I hope is down to an EPROM failure. Now the problem. Mine uses six 27512 EPROMs, not eight as used in later variants.
Does anyone have a copy of the firmware I need for this one? Codes are:
Any help appreciated as it would be nice to see if the firmware is the problem before trying any other options.
I also bought a 70004a display from the same source which did have a dead EPROM but I copied the file from another display to get it working again.
Thanks in advance
There is a site that has images of the 70900a roms, and I know I have a spare 70900a rom board with the last update for the 128k dip rom board
You may want to PM me so we can figure something out to get you fixed up.
This board came with with 70900A Serial Numbers 2817A01886 to 2833A02083 Part number 70900-60114.
Software is version 880314 Revision B.00.00 code name Cheetah
32K usable ram
Supports the following hardware:
70205A, 70206A, 70300A, 70310A, 70600A, 70601A, 70620A, 70700A, 70810A, 70900A,
70902A, 70903A, 70904A, 70907A, 70905B, 70906A, 70906B, 90707A, 70908A
This revision introduced the new menu style, with firmkeys on the left.
This also allowed use of the 70620A preamp.
As long as the Controller board is 70900-60111 this will work (note I have this board as well)
Going over all this, you would need the Controller board 70900-60111 and the rom/ram board 70900-60114, it can be updated to 70900-60126 rom/ram code name Cheetah 2
Date code 880901 rev b.01.00 this add module 70301A tracking gen.
Hope this info helps.
Added picture of the board I have, and more info about the board.
had some wrong info, fixed that.
added a few more pictures
Board is no longer available as a member has asked for itMaybe they will posted their older board for someone in need.