Products > Test Equipment

IET LOM-501A Micro Ohm meter

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I snatched this from ebay by calling the seller and offering a buy it now price of $350.00 (starting bid was $399.00) he took it.  Current starting price from IET is $1975.00  I wanted a meter whose accuracy didn't go to pot below 10 ohms so I could confidently measure contact resistance.

Web page
Data sheet

It has 4 measurement modes

* Switched DC Mode totally eliminates the effects of thermal EMF
* Continuous DC Mode is required when measuring the resistance of highly inductive components such as transformers
* Pulsed Mode is important when measuring heat sensitive components such as thermistors.

* dry circuit” measurementsThis thing has amazing specs <=10 ohms. Above 10 Ohms My 8846A is more accurate. it is even more accurate than the Agilent 3458A below 130m Ohm's.  Only The 34402A is better and only by a factor of 2 from .01 Ohm and below. And the 8846A is better than the 34420A  at 1 Ohm and above.  Just shows you have to calculate actual reading errors and through all ranges to gage performance.  It settles instantly and only bobles 1 digit (1 micro Ohm)  I am one happy camper! ;D

        Table of Performance comparison

Ohm           1 year +/_% error of specific value
Value       LOM-501A    8846A     3458A    34420A

0.0001         4.02         3000       50            2.0
0.001           0.42         300         5.            0.2
0.01             0.06         30          0.5          0.027
0.1              0.044        3.01       0.05        0.009
0.14            0.037                      0.037
1.0              0.04          0.31       0.006      0.007
10.0            0.04          0.04       0.002      0.006       

Pics below

I like the PCB. I am wondering like it was hand drawn (designed)...

Probably manualy done with the old tape and sticker method.


--- Quote from: robrenz on March 08, 2012, 06:00:01 am ---Current starting price from IET is $1975.00
--- End quote ---

For 2000 bucks you would think they could have afforded some solder resist.

Made in 1987.  Was solder mask prevalent back then?
Also found out calibration with data (ISO17025) By IET is $469.00  ouch! :'(


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