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Keysight 34465A reliability

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I have a Keysight 34465A which has just died with a power supply related fault on the front panel control board. What should be 3.3V is only 2V so all that happens on power up is the fan runs and LCD backlight comes on. Before I offer up bodily parts to the local NZ agent in exchange for repair of this I'm interested in the experiences of others with the reliability of these DMMs.
I'm considering abandoning it and replacing with something else. The nearest equivalent 6.5 digit DMM of another brand that I can find is the Keithley DM6500. I originally chose the Keysight simply based on more prior experience (40+ years) with HP instruments than any other brand.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts

From my own experience and from what I read, the 34465A is a very reliable instrument.

It would be interesting to find out, what is really broken on yours.

Bonjour. Sounds like failed PSU reg or perhaps shorted/overloaded bus.

1/ Recieved used 3365A 1 yr old last Aug, worked 12 hrs. Next turn on black screen. Not screen saver/off. Intermittent, banging case could temporarily fix.

2/ Contacted Keysight service USA, returned to factory under warranty,

3/ two days after, a brand  new unit received, with new CAL cert

4/  running perfect since Aug 2021.

Recommend to contact local Keysight service.

Bon chance

Jon PS:  Could use your dead  if we can figure how to ship to USA!!


--- Quote from: KeithFisk on April 04, 2022, 07:38:05 am ---The nearest equivalent 6.5 digit DMM of another brand that I can find is the Keithley DM6500. I originally chose the Keysight simply based on more prior experience (40+ years) with HP instruments than any other brand.

--- End quote ---
We have SDM3065X in stock for around $1200 NZ if you need a meter in a hurry.

I've seen a few of the 3446x series fail with a bad main processor. They typically get hot and drag down the power supply voltage. Generally they are quite reliable though.


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