I recently bought a hybrid oscilloscope off ebay, 4 channels at 100MHz with a 50Ms/s digitizer, as some may have seen in the buy/sell forum.
When I got it the cursor/readout display was too far to the right (half of it was not shown) so I opened it to adjust it, following the instructions in
kikusui.co.jp/kiku_manuals/C/COM7000A_E2.PDF There were also some other issues (overscan of the trace, underscan when in B timebase) that I couldn't figure out how to adjust so I just left it.
Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it, the only real problem seems to be the scope takes a few minutes for the display to stabilise. (Before that it shows up compressed horizontally and is jittery)
Took some photos while I had it opened.

Front panel

quite a lot of toshiba chips, CRT is toshiba as well I think.
Does anyone know what the crud near the bottom is?

More crud

Bottom of the Oscilloscope with most of the adjustment pots and a lot of hybrids.
A few more photos