Hey there folks, long time lurker. I have a situation that requires a very specific set of requirements from a signal generator. I'm looking to generate 2 sine waves, 10v peak to peak, at frequencies between 1hz and 200khz. The difficulty is, they have to be offset so that one = sin and the other = cos. Basically so the X/Y will be a "perfect" circle. With what we do we've never really had a need that required having a signal generator around that we couldn't accomplish by other means, so I frankly don't have a ton of experience shopping for one, but this scenario is a showstopper without a good, accurate pair of signals. My budget is preferably in the 3-800USD range, but I can stretch that to about 1200USD if needed.
Any advice on what to go towards or avoid? I can look at datasheet after datasheet but none of them seem to tell me if I can do a cos offset. Is this such a standard feature on 2 channel generators it's not even mentioned, or is it rare enough that I'm better off finding a way of offsetting the sync between 2 small cheap generators?
Thanks for any advice you folks are willing to give.