Uni-T UT61E is a 22.000 count multimeter with True RMS for about 60$
By default it comes with a serial connection to the pc but you can easily use a 3-5$ rs232 to usb adapter to connect it to the PC, I use such adapter and it works great.
It measures twice a second on any setting, sends to pc twice a second, has free software AND is also supported by UltraDMM (that has a thread on this forum about it, and you can download it freely)
Downsides (if you can call them that) :
* in rare cases, usually when its autorange code changes between internal ranges, it's possible to show a single measurement that's higher than normal then immediately reports the correct value (so for half a second it shows a bad value)... this is shown in the video review below. Basically if you log the measurements to a file, they jump out and can be easily spotted and removed so it's not a big issue
* no backlight ,
* no auto power off (but runs on 9v battery and gives accurate measurements as low as 3-4 volts, so you can change it to something else if you want to),
There are hacks published that enable power off or backlight, if you'd ever be inclined to mod it.
There's a huge thread about this meter on this forum here:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/reviews/uni-t-ut61e-multimeter-teardown-photos/ There's an extensive video review of the meter here:
presentation, construction, dc voltage accuracy,
the PC data logging software, UltraDMM software, mains measurement, continuity , also shows that minor issue with the value being reported incorrectly for ONE measurement in some cases
inside , teardown , battery consumption and how low can it go before turning off , it doesn't show incorrect values even on low battery
temperature stability, calibration etc