I'll answer some of your criticisms for the benefit of all users:
'The spreadsheet is far from being easy to read. The 'legend' on top is very ambiguous. For instance, what is the difference between "Important missing feature" and "Essential missing feature" ?? Just semantics. What objective criteria used to separate them? 10000 counts is an " Essential missing feature"? According to who? According to what?'
There is a difference between important (really nice to have) and essential (show stopper).
The database is slanted towards electronic work, not electrical chores. A high count and accuracy is desirable for at least one meter, if you have several, like you should have. For the simple reason, that it can serve as a good reference for the others, since calibration is so expensive and often out of reach for hobbyists. Those meters are usually better made, have larger AC bandwidth, are built with proper external voltage references and have little drift.
10,000 count is not highlighted amber per se, unless the count falls below 7,000 for other functions. It doesn't mean that those meters are useless, just that they are not ideal for electronics, but could be used as secondary meters.
A beginner trying to choose a multimeter will have a hard time deciphering the abbreviations in the table header
Every one of them is well explained in the first row, with annotations. These annotations change regularly and are not repeated for each brand, to limit database maintenance time.
The stars: Very generic classification, based only on brand.
The stars are based on brands only, for a general guideline. I don't own enough of the meters in the database for objective individual assessments. Look for independent reviews on this site for any particular meter.