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Multimeter spreadsheet (80 manufacturers and over 400 meters listed)

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m k:

--- Quote from: lunix on May 30, 2024, 09:14:06 am ---Don't call me mate.  Don't mis-quote me.  Have a good life.

Since you're smart and I am dumb- how do I block you on this board?

--- End quote ---

Better hit back with a reference.
Profile->Account Settings->Modify Profile has ignore options.

I'm guite sure there were also mmF, but can't remember which it was, milli milli or micro micro.
Though, I do remember that either pico or nano was missing.


--- Quote from: m k on June 02, 2024, 04:01:49 pm ---I'm guite sure there were also mmF, but can't remember which it was, milli milli or micro micro.
Though, I do remember that either pico or nano was missing.
--- End quote ---

I remember "the great nanofarad debate" in Electronics Australia magazine on whether or not they should change all their circuits to use nF and not just pF and uF.
Spoiler, the nF won.


--- Quote from: EEVblog on June 03, 2024, 12:16:43 am ---
--- Quote from: m k on June 02, 2024, 04:01:49 pm ---I'm guite sure there were also mmF, but can't remember which it was, milli milli or micro micro.
Though, I do remember that either pico or nano was missing.
--- End quote ---

I remember "the great nanofarad debate" in Electronics Australia magazine on whether or not they should change all their circuits to use nF and not just pF and uF.
Spoiler, the nF won.

--- End quote ---
In Brazilian magazines the flip to nF happened through the early 70s - although I was still a toddler/young child then, during the 80s I used to buy used magazines from the 60s~70s and could see the shift happening in retrospect. Quite interesting. A similar story happened with the shift from "condensador" (condenser) to capacitor, which happened in the late 50s - early 60s (also witnessed by me through old used magazines).

As for the multiplier factors, I have seen it all: µµF and mmF representing pF, MFD (common in oil capacitors) and MF/mF representing µF, and so on. It probably had to do with the capabilities of the stamping/printing machines of the time.


--- Quote from: ballsystemlord on October 13, 2023, 11:20:42 pm ---I understand how this wouldn't be obvious, but the "last edit" is for the post being edited. *Not* for the list being updated.
--- End quote ---

I'm not referring to the stamp placed by the forum software (which is " Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 10:15:26 am by Wytnucls ").

I'm referring to the text placed by the autor themselves: "Here are the links for the most recent files (6March21):".

It would be great if there was some way to crowd-source this kind of thing. But I just don't think there is -- too hard to keep it stable and correct and referenced and ...


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