Can one connect two NanoVNAs together to obtain a full two-port VNA?
the units need to be in synched, otherwise i dont see it how. while conversing with odgen, i found a diy full 2 port 6GHz VNA site from 2 years ago... i'm not sure why the guy didnt pursue it (no update) its promising. with OwO roadmap of not-full 2 port 6GHz is ahead, i guess full 2 port version will take another years. but... we learnt to deal on how to get S12 and S22, just turn the DUT over, ie its output that once connected to P2 is now connected to P1 vice versa. the more we dig into this, the more we realize there a lot more "s-parameters goodies" we are missing, such as the S21 impedance analyzer, and transmission line Zc plotter (see below)...
Yes you are right. No S21. I just have been told that one end of 2-port test strip you attacht VNA, but another - to 50 Ohm cal standard...
i figured this method while i started to collect few "better" quality coax cable such as Huber Suhner, Gore and China semi rigid coax. starting from here
Performance of China 50 ohm Coaxial Cable it maybe not so obvious how i did it, or maybe you all know it already. i was happy go lucky using some hunglow coax cable that later i figured out as crappy (wobbling as you can see in my plots above) it is usefull though if operating frequency is carefully selected when crossing the desired impedance. i didnt find on how to test coax or stripline's Zc in definitive and easy way without extensive math matrix. so i have to find my own "subjective" way (good coax or stripline will have flatter plot close to its Zc when terminated with its Zc (characteristic impedance)) but searching again, i found the method, but still it requires math in this post by Bud... will be nice if a VNA can implement this "goody" (automated) into their FW/GUI or PC SW. but what can we expect from a cheap tool? designers with limited resources? sometime i think i want to diy VNA that fullfill many requirements, but its going to waste a lot of my time designing, respinning prototype pcbs, buying parts (wrong parts) and understanding the heavy math, so i'd rather doing fun stuffs (my area of interest) than building another T&M tool, actually i'm currently building another T&M tools, on and off its been years of prototyping and verifying, so obviously there is no empty slot for another tool atm. OwO and the team are so close at this but maybe they are too busy with other stuffs and "directive". the yl3akb/VentRF guy had a longer vision ahead with his full 2 port 6GHz VNA.
i think we wandered off topic already, where was i?
Reply #315 VNA View is nice we can key in CAL kit's characteristic s1p files, if i know how to use this correctly and if the feature is working correctly at all, i should be able to trace back NanoVNA cal kit (with respect) to my Kirkby CAl kit by creating their s1p files and then back to HP/Agilent CAL kit thats Mr Kirkby was using when tracing/characterizing mine... hopefully.. but always there are time needed to do the learning.