I went to the TaoBao web site to buy the nanoVNA SAA2 , 1st thing is most of it does not make sense , no fixed price -it says y 2.00 -378.00 .
I clicked on both [ at different times ] add to cart & buy now and do not see any response or cart or move to next step to buy

And no where that I can find a statement about screen size ?
Finely got to what looked like checkout , or close , seems like every page / click - it goes to another page in Chinese , even though each preceding page I click on english .
Too many things that I do not like to do , are adding up , 1 email , 2 phone number - defiantly not giving , 3 without giving all of the 1st two , it looks like the only way to pay is with there own payment Alipay what ever .
I get too many junk/phishing phone calls already and I do not trust too many payment methods attached to my card / bank .
Are there more standard methods ?