I don't think "CW mode" is intended for use as a signal generator. It is simply a zero span mode for the VNA (this is called "CW time" on Agilent VNAs as well). I agree that the name is somewhat misleading.
Adding a proper CW output in the firmware should not be particularly hard. It would still be of somewhat limited use, since it is unlevelled and there is no filtering. This is probably why no one has bothered so far. It is open-source after all.
Yes. But there is more than just one zero span mode. For what all these need use this pulse mode for measurement. Least one can be just plain Continuous Wave. I have in my homelan workshop "trucload" of RF generators. But I think peoples who have this Nano, what is cheap, pocket size handy tiny tool. Even if its RF CW output is not good quality and without level adjustment and not even known level and or it is far away from flat, not even close, from low to high freq.
Still I think it is not at all bad feature for many peoples if it have just this RF quality but without this "pulse modulation" what just make it totally useless if try use it as some kind RF generator. And because all is ready in HW for it.
In menu there can select start, stop, center, span,
cw freq, and
pause sweep. Is it enough that one setup can result CW without pulsing.
No matter if Nano do not "listen and measure" anything in this CW output mode (CW and Pause selected example). Now in CW+Pause it still is pulsing and this is what I wonder. Without pause, it also measure in CW mode so perhaps it need pulse as it also do when sweep (stepping sweep).
Of course if known level and need adjust level, nano do not this, but for many hobbyists there is available many cheaper and more cheap low grade attenuators and some day he or shee may check different frequencies true level and after then he can use it knowing something more about level. For things what need medium or high quality RF generator, this is not.
Also its RF out is quite "dirty" but still better than no gen for some hobby purposes and in machine what can take in pocket to everywhere.
I am not ranting about this and that like I am if this is true commercial business model product, but it is not, this is just open source as you told.
It was wish that if developing team see it is easy to do change it is perhaps good to do. Even with all cons what it have as rf generator. Just like, better than nothing for perhaps many peoples. Least it do not shoot not down this NanoVNA value if there is this "CW only out" mode.
It also mean that in this mode it do not measure anything like it do now. In CW mode now, it do measurements also of course.
But then there is Pause Sweep selection. Now it do not update any displayed measurements in CW mode but still it continue Pulsing.
For what. In this state it can, imho, send just Continuous wave out. Least I somehow think that when it do not need measure anything in CW mode then pulse modulation can also stop if reason for pulsing is measuring.
Perhaps example OwO can answer what is real reason for pulsing in state/mode when it do not any measurements.
Or is it just..."no one care" reason.