Products > Test Equipment

New ANENG Q1 9999 Counts ?

(1/45) > >>

another for the collection...  :palm:

Soft power button ... hmm ... the 1st thing pop out of my mind is ... how much is the off/stand by current ? Will it drain the battery ?

Normally in any of my tests, these ANENG meters put the PTC and clamp after the switch, the switch arcs and that's the end of it.   I tried testing one of the rotary switches on one as well and destroyed it. 

This thing being so different, make me wonder.   Think they auto detect the leads to switch to current as I see no buttons for it? 


--- Quote from: BravoV on June 02, 2018, 01:35:49 pm ---Soft power button ... hmm ... the 1st thing pop out of my mind is ... how much is the off/stand by current ? Will it drain the battery ?

--- End quote ---

when it arrives I will check if it has consumption when it is off    :bullshit:


--- Quote from: joeqsmith on June 02, 2018, 04:34:07 pm ---This thing being so different, make me wonder.   Think they auto detect the leads to switch to current as I see no buttons for it?

--- End quote ---

None, apart from where it says "DCA/ACA >2S POWER" on the case...  :popcorn:

Ok, I read the manual. You press the power button for longer then 2 seconds to turn it on.

Once it's powered on you press it to toggle amps mode.


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