Hi, I had the same problem.
It was fixed after reloading the boot files, etc with the platform tools.
However like I said after using the platform tools my system info disappeared.
See my former post.
Below is the link to download the platform tools.
Just follow the instructions in the
readme_English.docx file in the platform tools folder.
What I found is, after I loaded the Android driver with
sunxi-fel uboot images/uboot_fastboot.bin , when I ran the
cmds.bat file , when the scope rebooted it freezed,
I then switched the scope off and on again by pressing the button underneath while switching it on. (I used a matchstick to press the button, that way you cannot short out anything.)
After that I ran the cmds.bat file straight away whithout using sunxi-fel, since the Android file is now already present. It then booted without any problems.
If it shows as a Winusb device under Device Manager with the driver info as you saw in the Zadig-2.5 utility, you can just use the cmds.bat file whenever the scope freezes during rebooting and if you are unable to reload the update file. Although it only happened to me that one time.
However there are a lot of other bugs present as you will eventually discover.
Phoenixsuite_CN.msi is in Chinese, so if it does not install just try again by pressing other buttons

. The first time that I used the zadig_2,5 utility the scope came up as an unknown device and I had to re-install Phoenixsuite again and reloaded the win driver with zadig before it showed up correctly.
Here is the link to download the platform tools.:
https://fil.email/7UJkVuFZBest of luck!
Disclaimer: You use these at your own risk if it does nor work, although according to them the Allwinner Controller is unbrickable.
If anyone can figure out how to get the system info back again
please let us know.