Thank you for the replies.
I found a windows box to try DavidAlfa's suggestion and here's how it went.
First I attempted a preliminary backup just to be safe. Put the scope in FEL mode, installed PhoenixSUite and zadig, confirmed that the USB device showed up properly in the device manager and ran "read.bat" from DSOFlash, but that failed. (1st image)
I then installed the Keysight IO Lib package and restarted the scope in normal mode. The software recognized the scope and I sent it the PRIVate:FACTORY:RESET command. The command "worked" in the sense that the scope immediately rebooted and the signal stats I had configured earlier, before the lock up, disappeared. Unfortunately the buttons are still all lit up and none of them work. And there's still no channel signal being drawn. (images 2 and 3).
I remember that when the scope was working, right after booting there would be some clicking noises (relay? for the AWG?) and then if memory serves me right the WAVE GEN and other lights would go OFF. Now there's no clicking and the lights stay ON. Maybe there's something wrong with the hardware?
edit: I should also add that before the factory reset the stats "count" would continuously increment as can be seen in the video in my post above, indicating that the phoenix process is probably running fine. this would be consistent with a the hardware error hypothesis where a relay that was supposed to switch never did, leaving all the lights ON and the phoenix process "waiting" for a signal that never arrives.