I wrote a little script to measure frequency response with the Hantek.
It's my first Python script longer than 3 lines, so..., but maybe someone will find it useful.
Requires pyvisa and gnuplot. I only tested it on Linux. It may also run on other systems with small adjustments.
You can choose between three (cheap) signal generators or add your own:
Hantek internal sg.
Feeltech fy3200: Two channels, phase measurement
Tinysa: Higher bandwidth.
The code is attached and there is a small README.md in the zip.
If anyone would like to try it and has any questions, please ask!
Attention, it is quite slow!
So don't choose too many points for initial tests.
But you can just let it run and don't have to worry about it.
EDIT: BUG FIXEDA new zip is attached.
I mixed up FFR (the time between the first falling edge of source 1 and the first rising edge of source 2) and FRR (the time between the first rising edge of source 1 and the first rising edge of source 2).
The bug was not immediately obvious.
10dB Attenuator, internal SG
30MHz LPF from RF Demo Kit with tinysa
6.5MHz BSF from RF Demo Kit with tinysa
6.5MHz BSF from RF Demo Kit with fy3200, second channel with phase. 40 points.