I can't, I don't know.
Try disassemblying phoenix in Ghidra, that's how I did everything, but it takes ages to find anything out and even more to modify, it's anything but easy.
Read the
hacking thread, specially
this message.
I would start by searching "Hz", "KHz", "MHz" strings in the binary and finding where they're being used.
To avoid further bricking you can make a simple script that restores phoenix after several boots.
USB console will probably fail to work if phoenix crashes but give it a try.
Create a file named "S11_restore_phoenix.sh" in the root of the USB drive.
Ensure it uses UNIX new line format!
# Read file, increase counter
import /etc/phoenix_count
if [ $PHOENIX_COUNT -lt 3 ]; then
echo "PHOENIX_COUNT=$PHOENIX_COUNT" > /etc/phoenix_count
# Restore after 3 boots
if [ -f /dso/app/phoenix_bak ] && [ $PHOENIX_COUNT -gt 2 ]; then
pidof phoenix dbus-daemon | xargs kill -9
cp /dso/app/phoenix_bak /dso/app/phoenix
chmod +x /dso/app/phoenix
reboot -f
Add this to do_other_update:
# Make phoenix backup and copy the restore script
if [ ! -f /dso/app/phoenix_bak ]
cp /dso/app/phoenix /dso/app/phoenix_bak
cp /mnt/udisk/S11_restore_phoenix.sh /etc/init.d/
chmod +x /etc/init.d/S11_restore_phoenix.sh
# reset counter, start over
rm /etc/phoenix_count
# Copy your modded phoenix from usb drive
cp /mnt/udisk/phoenix /dso/app/
chmod +x /dso/app/phoenix
Copy the modded phoenix to the root of the USB drive and run do_other_update with
Script launcher.
Working or not, after 3 boots (Wait until the second Hantek logo shows up, then another 5-10 seconds) the original file will be restored.