I don't like the "Will be available in the future" options, or at least i don't get good vibes from that
I laugh at "TekCloud"
I hoped for isolated channels option because i actually like this form factor, in my mind i can see a lot of them in factory lines or workshop benches, either rack mounted or on VESA stand. Much more than the other "handheld" which are just really bulky (or with rather small screens) and usually with idiotic interfaces (RS scoperider comes to mind.. when i have the pleasure of using one i always get confused and press the wrong buttons) - and no, tautech i haven't had a chance to test the new siglent handhelds yet -
I am eager to look at the teardown video, i want to see how little space was left so that they couldn't add the optic fibre transceivers, or integrate a (smallish) battery beacuse the battery pack addon is... eh

overall i am impressed from tek, it looks really well done on paper.
Hope this will start a new wave of tablet scopes
Hope the other things (cloud, updates on subscription) don't catch on, but it may be too late already