I went to see tektronix distributor yesterday.
Of course he didn't want to tell me too much about 2 series, bit knowing the fact that I already know everything I read here, he became more chatty.
I really think this product will find his entusiasts.
Also, prices for that one are suppose to be descent, maybe not rigol prices but hey, it's always less that some stuff is more expensive in the world, that is.
Fun fact he had a photo showing all 2-6 series, that he wanted to hide before he knew I saw it already.
Also played with 3, 4 and 6 series, and what I know is I'm definitely putting order for 4B when that one will be released. Hope not in million years.
New tektronix gui feels fantastic, is very intuitive.
I also picked up yesterday Keysight DSO-S-204A
Honestly after playing with that Tek4, Keysight GUI makes wonder if I did right getting it.