Tons of documentation on the benefits of metal threaded inserts (versus not) and also the added cost in the molding process, and why some vendors skip on it -
I do agree with Dave, that it's a shame they didn't, not least at these prices and the intended use-case of this scope, where mobility plays a role..
it would have made more sense here - than it would fx on a stationary product.
This product is intended for both a 2kg battery-pack on the big plastic backplate' with a combined weight not far from 4kg, and also intended for VESA-mount in classrooms, labs, etc. - where the plastic structure between the plastic back & the plastic front-housing could benefit from that rigid clamping-pressure, you can obtain with metal threaded inserts, not to mention the overall feel & handling..
As it can make the product feel more rigid & solid - if it's threaded into metal inserts, as the clamping pressure can often be way higher (+40% to 50%), but it will vary from product to product - and the quality of the molding & plastic.
Also other approaches' where you can obtain some of the clamping benefits of metal-threaded-inserts into soft materiel (like fx plastic) with the use of self-tappers .. by fx increasing the numbers of self-tapping-screws.
// Brief sum-up.