the USB bug...
I'm sorry, I forgot the detail of this... it does not affect use of the Rigol software and use with USB, right? You were using it with Linux and DSRemote?
The bug causes problems depending on your pc/laptop hardware & driver. To be more precise, it depends
on which USB hostcontroller chip is mounted on your motherboard.
The scope uses HS bulk endpoints with a packetsize of 64 bytes which is illegal because the standard says it must be
512 bytes. So, some controllers don't forward the packet to the driver (or the driver doesn't forward it to an upper layer)
because it expects more data to arrive. Usually there's a timeout of 5 seconds but that doesn't help much.
Honestly, I don't know how windows deals with it. It could be that windows is more forgiving (less strict with the standard)
than Linux. What I do know for sure is that with Linux and same kernel versions, the problem occurs depending on the hardware.
The problem has been reported to Rigol and they confirmed it. They also said that it's too hard to solve.