Products > Test Equipment

New Scope Demoboard from Batronix

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Today I had discovered by chance an apparently brand new demo board from Batronix:

It is so new that there is no english description for it yet.
I read through it and decided to order it because it has a few more features than my STB-3 board from Siglent.
It comes with a very detailed training manual on more than 50 pages, which is not known from other demo boards...
Bodeplot, FFT, trigger types, decoder signals up to Manchester, pass/fail mask test, signal generator with error, RF test section, etc.
Currently available at an introductory price for 20% less.
You can argue about the sense or nonsense of a demoboard, but I like such things... ;)
When I get it, I will play around with it and post further here.

I had seen it mentioned on some google search result a while back, but couldn't find a mention on Batronix itself.  I figured it was vaporware, but apparently was wrong.

--- Quote from: Martin72 on May 30, 2023, 09:21:44 pm ---You can argue about the sense or nonsense of a demoboard, but I like such things... ;)

--- End quote ---

Me too, it would let me experiment and learn about signals that I have no current work-related (or hobby related) need or equipment.

But 200 EUR shipped to USA (including the intro discount) is a bit much.  I imagine low volume and cost of good docs (the examples in the images appear to be pretty good) must account for a fair bit of the price.  Though a price that is too high doesn't always stop me in some irrational moments.

The English link to the product seems not to be active.

If I search for "Batronix MSO-Demoboard" on the main page:

I get a result, but it can not be clicked.

So for now, I will go with the German website  :)

Therefore I plan to "introduce" it here, when I have the time for it.

--- Quote ---But 200 EUR shipped to USA (including the intro discount) is a bit much.
--- End quote ---

My STB-3 was more expensive, the rigol board (yes, they got one) too.
OK, after the intro discount, the price is nearly the same like the others - donĀ“t know what makes demoboards so "expensive".
If it wasn't for intro-discount, I probably wouldn't have bought it as soon as I saw it.
In addition, I still had some credit on my PayPal account, which made the thing then even easier, because usually I have not even remembered that there is something. :-X ;)
The rigol board, rare to see:



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