My ZT703S finally arrived today.
One bug I found is with the frequency measurement when in "High" Run Mode is not accurate. I set the signal generator to 5khz sine (the max it goes to??). With measurements turned on on CH1, in "Normal" Run Mode, it shows the measured frequency at 5kHz, but in "High" run mode, it shows the frequency as 8.75kHz
Measuring with the cursors gives incorrect readings as well. In "High" mode, one cycle of the waveform measures as 114.3uS (~8.748kHz), and in normal mode one cycle of the signal measures as 200uS (5kHz).
I don't have another oscilloscope here to verify the output of the frequency generator in High vs Normal mode - maybe the bug is with the frequency generator in high mode, not the oscilloscope, and the scope is actually measuring correctly?? I could easily check if I was at home, but don't exactly have a lot of test equipment available while on vacation! I'm sure someone else could check this and see where the bug lies.
Also for a scope that's supposed to go to 50Mhz, the minimum timebase is 100us/div?? In the photos above from ddrl46, they have it in 10ns/div - mine says it's at a limit at 100us/div?? Edited: Oh, I see now, if the function generator is on anything other than probe calibrator output (square wave 1kHz), the minimum timebase is limited to 100us/div, but if you put the function generator to square wave 1kHz, then the timebase can go down to 10ns/div - RTFM!!
Another bug is triggering doesn't work properly at 100ns/div. Trigger on the probe compensation signal, start at 10ns/div and go up...
10ns, 25ns, 50ns all trigger correctly, 100ns doesn't (trigger is somewhere off the left edge of the screen), 250ns, 500ns, 1us, etc etc all trigger correctly again.
Definitely some bugs in the first firmware!
On the multimeter side, the continuity beeper is latching and quite quick, and the resistance autoranging seems ok-ish (about 2S to range from OL to low ohms shorting the probes together). Both issues that I think people were complaining about on the ZT702.
Sort of a minor thing, but I skimmed the manual too, and was quite surprised that the English is actually pretty good - it was definitely edited by someone that's a native English speaker, or at least a very good English speaker. There's only one or 2 instances of some odd phrasing - not even bad enough to call them Chinglish.
They definitely put some effort into this thing!