Yes, a TTL RS232 to USB adapter works just fine. The meter outputs a 3.0 volt signal as you can see from the scope capture.
Here's are some sample output lines, note that there is no <CR> nor <LF> marking the line ends this is my edit. The meter sends about 3 lines per second so the delay between records can be used as a break. Also, the output doesn't specify AC or DC, this seems to be an oversight. Finally current is called "electricity"!
Could you please tell what exact Baud settings you used?
Baud Rate: 115200
Data bits: ??[5, 6, 7, or 8]
Parity: ?? [even, odd, none, mark, space]
Stop bits: ??[1, 1.5, or 2]
Flow control: ??[hardware, software, none, Xon / Xoff]
Handshaking: ??[none, XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS, DSR/DTR]
Language: ??[ASCII, utf-8, other]
Delay: ??[some serial communication programs have this...]
I know that standard setting is Parity=N, Data bits=8, Stop bit=1, Flow control=None, but not sure with this company Zoyi since no exact documentation. I'm not sure they even used standard settings...
I was able to use a USB to TTL RS232 9-pin adaptor, but in the serial output programs I use the message is always garbled. So some setting(s) is(are) wrong.