for example voltage and then DMM would be automatically switched to current measurement and measure current?
How is this possible? This requires physical re-commutation of the device inputs and changing the device connection to the measured circuit!
Well, I am not sure if it's possible.
My idea was like this ..
The device has 10A, mA , COM and V/R/diode/Cap sockets
Physically it's possible to connect for example 10A and COM in series and add another test lead and connect it in parallel to measure the voltage
But I have no idea if it's possible to change DMM mode between A, V, R etc. from inside the firmware.
Not sure if something like this would damage the device.
I thought, that incorrect connection in AMP mode in parallel (for example between + and GND or ~ and GND ) would damage the device/burn the fuse, but not in series ( even though the device is switched to V measurement )
Also I have no idea whether for example 10A and COM are still live (connected together) even though the test mode is changed to Volts. Maybe they aren't .. I've never tested anything like this.
Maybe it's all impossible.
Quite recently I had some issue with my car. I needed to log voltage on the battery but also power drain for a few days. And I asked myself if it would be possible to measure this with just one device in the same time. But maybe it's impossible because of construction of the device or so.