I just got the Rigol DS1074Z from the postman, put it on the table here and let it run for 1..2 hours.
I have 6 windows open in this room, it's about 19°C room temperature here.
But the room is nonetheless filling up with a stench which I'd describe as a mixture of typical china gear chemical cocktail plus a good portion of extract made from ground-up old unwashed underwear dissolved in formaldehyde.
My throat is scratching already...
Price, shmice, my precious* scope, a Hantek DSO5102B, half the price of the rigol, did not have this problem.
And this type of room air pollutants, like in cheap PC PSUs, usually don't really go away even after a year of constant use.
I'm using this in my livingroom, I don't have a "lab". So this is double plus ungood.
(* I meant to type previous, but not having it anymore now... sad funny typo ^^ )
So I think that little stinker will return home, and I'll be looking for something else.
What else is out there, a scope with similar features & quality to the Rigol, which is smell approved by those of you people who also don't like smelly throat-itchy substances in the air? ^^
I need:
- no stench
- 4 channels
- at least 70MHz
- considerably greater mem depth than my Hantek (1Mpts) - All those new "cheap" LeCroy etc have horrendously low mem depth o_O Kpts = "Kinda pointless, terribly sorry"
- modern big screen
- preferably no underpowered screechy fan (the one of this here rigol is not as bad so far as some ppl said, tho)
SPI, RS232 decoding etc would be nice to have.Price, well... I wasn't originally planning on spending more than the Rigol DS1000Z series price range...
If there are compelling reasons to spend more, I might think about it again.
Mind you that I'm a pure hobbyist, weekend soldering iron & probe wielder. You probably already guessed that I'm not convinced by "buy Tek, that's the only proper brand". My usage time to price ratio compared to a pro EE should remain sane

Let me mention I've seen the siglent 2000 series thread, quite impressed by the specs.
Not sure whether I want to spend > 2x the rigol price... And also I have some bad aftertaste when I hear "siglent", from reading these forums for a few years.
Not sure if I have time to wait until those things have a reputation to speak of (while having *no* scope anymore!)