Products > Test Equipment

Not 1 ... BUT 2 SCOPES!

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Yes, just got them for 14 bucks each
There were like 4-5 of them and i was like "F!@# IT! I'm buying two"

And yes, it's perfectly functional, but the bottom one has gone through quite a rough time, the BNC sockets for the bottom one need replacement

Nice fine. What a deal at $14/ea.


--- Quote from: T4P on November 05, 2012, 04:14:57 pm ---Yes, just got them for 14 bucks each
There were like 4-5 of them and i was like "F!@# IT! I'm buying two"

And yes, it's perfectly functional, but the bottom one has gone through quite a rough time, the BNC sockets for the bottom one need replacement

--- End quote ---

Did you buy it in a local store or on ebay?

Local store

Interestingly they look identical to my Kenwood CS-4025  (apart from bandwidth) -- hadn't realised the Kenwood was a badge-engineered job, but I suppose that makes sense.  Thought it might be in-house, since I believe they did make some test gear themselves when they were still called Trio.

Live and learn!


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