Ah appreciate the info! So I can get the Iwatsu for ~1300 while the Tek is around ~2500. Is there anything on the Tek that might make it worth that much more?
Those are crazy prices, don't touch them!
For $1300 (presume USD?) you can get a LOT better brand new Siglent or Rigol or other scope.
Did you read the endlessly long bug threads on your own forum?
More features: probably yes if they work as intended. Better: definitely debatable. I used to be a big Siglent supporter as they where going to 'stick it to' the big A brands and make them lower their prices. But in the mean time I've learned the only people Siglent (and Rigol too) are 'sticking it to' are their own customers. In the past decade I have a spend (directly and indirectly) about 3000 euro (ex VAT) on Siglent gear which turned out to be useless for the purpose it was bought for due to bugs / shortcomings. Bottom line: if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Ofcourse people can decide for themselves if they want to save money or that a cheaper unit is perfect for their needs. But even for occasional hobby use it can be worthwhile to go for the better polished gear even if it doesn't have all the bells & whistles and/or it is second hand. Except for the Yokogawa, the oscilloscopes the OP is looking at are definitely not old units. The Tektronix one (TBS2000B series) was released only a few years ago.
And as I wrote before the prices the shop is asking are way too high, there is likely a lot of wiggle room; a decent price would be a little bit below half the price the shop is asking.
You are a hater, that is what you are.
You had experience with Siglent 10 years ago and you are crusader since.
And I posted few days ago a list of bugs by your beloved R&S for RTB2000:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/siglent-sds800x-hd-12-bit-dsos-coming/msg5513029/#msg5513029Which is a scope that cost 10x more than SDS800xHD.
Why don't you call that "shit full of bugs"?
Because you have double standards.
And also so set in your ways, that anything that is different to what you are used to is "wrong". It cannot be that you are incapable to learn. "Old dog, new tricks" situation...
And as critical as I am to Rigol (they are much worse, bug wise, that Siglent) they also eventually iron important things out. They tend to leave some things unresolved but so do A brands. Refer to R&S release notes .
Endlessly long threads? Like Rigol threads where people keep arguing for pages about some detail, while list of bugs is like 20 in total. Or where we have recent new Siglent user that opens 4 topics on same "bug" that ends up being user error. And then he writes 2000 posts (literally) on "bugs", while constantly repeating same 12 bugs in total. On a brand new, released
As for 12 bugs in total, again, I refer you to R&S release notes...
Only scope from A brands that I would personally vouch for to have minimum bugs is my Keysight MSOX3104T.
But that is only because that is 10 years old design (even older if you trace its design origins in 3000A and 4000A series) and is becoming dated today... They had all the time in the world.
And they still had embarrassing moments when they released USB2.0 decoder/trigger for 3000T series, just to have customers tell them it didn't work. After investigation, they realised 3000T didn't have FPGA capable of doing that (only 4000 has) and it seems protocol was copied from 4000 and nobody ever even tested once if it works or not. And was released like that....
So your rants are just that, rants, without basis in reality.
Truth is different. A brands significantly decreased in quality in last 10ish years. B brands significantly improved both quality and sophistication of their equipment in meantime.
While B brands are not perfect, gap was never smaller.
And there is one point where cheap car becomes as reliable and dependable as A to B transport as an expensive luxury brand, and also comfortable enough to take long trips with ease. And all the difference to the luxury brand is price and glitz. Leather seats, 22 speakers 6 screen multimedia, and fancy, fancy design..
Stuff that doesn't matter for actual A to B transportation. Just prestige and bragging rights.