For me Rigol was more deceptive, but i wont bash them because of that
Every brand have their quirks, and yes sadly you may or may not know them all
my only hopes are : that theses companies will upgrade their FW to correct them fast, and not make people wait years
And the expression (150$ for a scope is better than nothing),
i'll personally choose nothing, i've gone to / from the cheapest to the good, Hantek ... to ....
you may waste more time with theses, than having a better range of products (BTW not just scopes), but even paying for better does not mean you wont have any problems ...
and you better keep and save your money to improve or choose better, the vintage effect is still here too, witch mess things up ...
We are checking to buy the SDS7k Siglent series after a demo was sent to us, very good scope
But for me: just asking permission to execute an auto setup is the @#%@@ i've seen, but it does not mean the rest is crap ...
but for me this thingy, is a major annoyance, all depends on how you see things
you'll never get the perfect picture, even if you pay thousands,
I understand Nctnico ... i may say so far we are lucky, and we do automatisations with Siglent sdg1000 series and sds1000x scopes, done tests with the SDS7k 3ghz model all is good ... for now the IT guy is happy loll
SO far with "upgrades" we saved 10k $$$ with many Siglent instruments