Here is a comparison of Keysight MSOX2024 and MSOX3104. They have very similar noise performance. Another peculiar thing is that MSOX3104 has virtually identical noise on the 1 MOhm and 50 Ohm setting. I guess it means that the scope doesn't have a different front end amplifier, just an internal 50 Ohm resistor switched across the input.
Of course these graphs and tables and curves are nice and useful.
Btv, is it possible to keep all graphs vertical scale and position in scale same for more quick and easy compare without thinking.
But then also, what we do IRL. We look oscilloscope screens and it also matters what we really see (and measure).
Like these:
first @srce previously published MSOX2024A - 200MHz - 2GSa/s - 1mV/div - 1MOhm
then same settings with SDS1204X-E. same BW, 1M input, 5us/div but samplerate 1GSa/s (and memory of course due to samplerate and time scale "equal")
Not very easy imagine what is visible on the screen if only look V/(Hz
1/2) graphs.