That means the price could be near Siglent's (with original probes) but bandwidth can't go further than 100 MHz.
SDS1104X-E is supplied with PP510 100 MHz rated probes whereas 200 MHz SDS1204X-E is supplied with PP215 probes.
Their frequency responses were checked by member Performa01 and PP510 was down 1dB at 200 MHz compared to PP215.
These results indicate PP510 will give satisfactory accuracy for most work at frequencies well above their rating.
I mean GW-Instek GDS1054B can't go further than 100 MHz, even using better probes than originally supplied, which will make GW Instek GDS1054B about the same price than Siglent SDS1104X-E, which does go up to 200 MHz: I didn't knew with which probes.
Just saying it as clearly as I could, because perhaps your assertion seems to imply I said Siglent SDS1104X-E couldn't go further than 100 MHz with the original probes? Not really sure about it. You know, not a native english speaker here.
It turns out, from Performa01's information, Siglent SDS1104X-E can go up to 200 MHz even with the original probes. Good to know. I think this information will be useful to the OP.
But I forgot that in Europe right now the Siglent is cheaper than the Instek: €429 vs €465, + VAT, in
In the US, pricing seems to be like it was in Europe two years ago: cheapest one is the Rigol, then some 25 bucks more buy you the Instek, then about another 75 bucks more buy you the Siglent. Or so it was some weeks ago. IIRC the Instek was the cheapest one in the US two years ago.
So the point I made is still valid in the US, but not in Europe anymore.
Is this the post from Performa01 you are refering to? interesting, mainly because I got some Testec probes recently: Testec TT-LF-312, Testec TT-MF-312, Testec TT-HV-250 (because it's high voltage, not sure 300 MHz bandwidth matters) and finally Testec TT-HVP-40 (multimeter HV probe).
TT-LF-312 is a real improvement over the original, 70 MHz GW-Instek probes supplied with my GDS1054B.
Quite disappointing to see TT-MF-312 at the bottom of the graphs. I still have to test it. I hope they are an improvement over TT_LF-312.
Well at least it turns out Testec probes are relatively cheap. But after the comments about Testec on multiple posts in this forum, I wasn't expecting having to say this. Perhaps they are becoming a cheap chinese brand?
Maybe I'll also get Testec TT-HF-212 to see if it's any better. But this will be for another thread.