No, Keysight pioneered bode plotting. Siglent copied it quickly. But according to Rudi's review, bode plot works super slow on Siglent scopes compared to R&S and Keysight (minutes versus tens of seconds). So that is something to consider if you want to adjust something which needs several sweeps (or just want bode plot to work at a reasonable speed). And it is not like the dynamic range on other oscilloscopes is bad. My R&S scope has a dynamic range of around 90dB which is perfectly useable.
"Your scope" is RTM3104 that cost as much as 15 times as scopes being discussed here.... Just saying...
Rudi's review also found Siglent's FRA had many features other don't have and that it measures with very good accuracy....
As far as speed goes, my (also 10kUSD + machine)is faster than Siglent, but still needs 30-40 seconds to run sweep with any accuracy.
That is not what I would call interactive speed.. R&S RTx2000/3000/4000 is not any better than that..
The point is not a price comparison but just to note that there are other factors to consider and Siglent is not the only manufacturer out there that has bode plotting. It is actually rather interesting that none of the Siglent fan crowd has ever commented on the slowness of Siglent's FRA. Either they didn't want to tell or just don't know any better. Rudi's comparison where it comes to the time needed to do a sweep came as a total -shocking- surprise to me!
Fact that Siglent FRA is slower than R&S and Keysight is know fact, widely publicized and myself personally did tests and confirmed it is slower, on SDS2000X HD for instance..
Price comparison is always a point... We are discussing 1000 series devices here., specifically.
It appears that 15x price difference does go a long way as far as patience to wait 30 more seconds for result.
And as I say, BODE II on Siglent has multichannel (not available by anybody else regardless of speed) and several automated measurements..
It is not perfect (I wish it
was faster..) but measures well, with good precision and dynamic range. Speed is apparently not a dealbreaker here..
Siglent is aware of speed difference. It remains to see if they can optimize something or to enable user to make less precise but faster "orientational" measurements for those that prefer speed over accuracy, detail and resilience. So far they made hundreds of optimizations based on user feedback, where it was realistically possible. If this is, future will tell.