Products > Test Equipment

peak atlas products. general consensus?

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ive had the dca55/75 on my wish list for a while now. looks pretty nice for sorting out the odd parts laying around.

more recently, im looking to pick up an esr, and i just noticed that they (peak atlas) also have a ers meter, and an lcr (another wish list item) in the same form. they are not too cheap, imo, but id rather spend a little more to keep from the cheap chineese crap, but i really dont have too much to spare.

so whats the general consensus on these meters? worth buying, or should i just pass them by?

i did a search, and there was a short "tear down" where they took the unit out of the case, but not much in the way of an actual review.

There is a review of a peak atlas esr meter on the mjlorton youtube channel about a week ago

I picked up a DCA55 at a good discount a couple years ago when several eBay sellers were having a price war. I have found it to be very useful for out-of-circuit go/no-go tests on transistors.  And it's brilliant for sorting junkbox parts and quickly identifying the leads on transistors.

It reports several parameters, but the only one I've found of any practical use is hFE.  It's good for getting an idea of small-signal gain or finding a dud.

I'm not real fond of the form factor. It's too small and light for my tastes, and the clips are fiddly.  But it's usefulness overcomes that.

It uses an odd little battery, but mine is still on it's original one, so battery life does not appear to be a problem.


--- Quote from: deth502 on February 07, 2013, 02:20:46 am ---ive had the dca55/75 on my wish list for a while now. looks pretty nice for sorting out the odd parts laying around.

more recently, im looking to pick up an esr, and i just noticed that they (peak atlas) also have a ers meter, and an lcr (another wish list item) in the same form. they are not too cheap, imo, but id rather spend a little more to keep from the cheap chineese crap, but i really dont have too much to spare.

so whats the general consensus on these meters? worth buying, or should i just pass them by?

i did a search, and there was a short "tear down" where they took the unit out of the case, but not much in the way of an actual review.

--- End quote ---

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I have the DCA55 and ESR60 and have found them both to be incredibly useful indeed. They are in almost daily use on the repair bench and are invaluable for easily determining transistor parameters, especially useful to determine the pinout. It's quicker to use the Atlas than to google the datasheet. The ESR60 is very good for determining whether an electrolytic is knackered, Dave did a video about this a while back and it's extremely useful. All in all, very good stuff.


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