Products > Test Equipment

PM3055 Phillips Scope fault

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Hi All,
Nice to be on this forum.
I'm working on a PM3055 50MHz scope (got the manuals). Have replaced a burned out X2 cap and scope has come alive.
But ... all appears well except the A channel Y pos deflection doesn't work ( B channel is fine). If I apply a waveform(5v p to p) to the A input then
I can see the top of the wave peaks at bottom of screen when I drop the scope to the millivolt range, also if I kick in the Trig View then I see the whole wave form, centre screen but can't move it vertically. Any ideas as where to start looking would be much appreciated.
Got a couple of sheered pot spindles also. As they appear hard to come by, I've cut a slot in them so can adjust with a screwdriver. Look forward to hearing from you.

Just offer a simple but distinct waveform (square-wave, even probe cal output) to A input and follow the signal path with another scope.

Reconnect and clean all the cables connections as well that's a common problem.
I would check the back of that control board and see if it has intermittent solder joints.

I couldn't find anything suitable as a pot replacements. They aren't rare at all, they are just sitting on other scopes.
I brought a damaged spare to repair the broken pots on mine just a couple of days ago.

Ok, guys.
Many thanks for advice. 'Fraid I can't scope the scope as don't have access to another one but will look for dry joints etc.

Thanks again.


Often the manuals have DC test points on the schematic. Usually you have to set the scope in a specified way for the DC measurements. RTFM
You might strike it lucky, but when one owns an old scope you normally need another to fault find when it dies.


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