Products > Test Equipment

power supply purchasing help required :P

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I think BravoV's point is this:

In this thread eevblogfan asks for help on a power supply choice like he is not sure (acting like a newbie)

In the post that BravoV linked, eevblogfan gives 6 links to power supplies and speaks like he is the graybeard of power supplies.

@ eevblogfan 
Fatherly advice mode on

I am trying to help you here, less posts of higher quality will gain you respect much quicker than some of what you have been posting.  You don't seem interested in quality responses to your post questions, you just want to be seen or heard (junk posts). If you keep that up, people will start ignoring your posts completely.

Fatherly advice mode off


--- Quote from: eevblogfan on May 03, 2013, 03:13:39 pm ---Bravov ... you are smart man . indeed - i saw your contribution ...out there ... but you then decided to fall on me and tallking bullshit ... please kindly DON'T post anything if you cant be an adult  :-+

--- End quote ---

Funny, when it times for serious talk, your English is perfect 10  :-+ , what a miracle !  :-DD

Just keep doing what you've just posted and I believe most of your readers including me will be really grateful and will thank you a lot, really, otherwise I will start poking at you again until you cracked up.  >:D

No, I'm not a spelling or even grammar Nazi, hell, even English is not my native, it is your attitude, laziness to throughly recheck, ignorance and making excuses over and over again, its like telling people to fuck them self if they're struggling to guess your incompetence and overly crazy mis-spelled words.

This is an English language forum and you haven't show your best effort at other "TONS OF" junk posts you've made in the past.

Simply put, if you respect your reader, then do your best, thats it.

Great, hopefully my mission is accomplished.

Bravov . I posted via my phon . thats not comfterbole place in terms of good english . I swear i do my best affort writing the clearest post I can ... so my last post did well right ?  I hope so as my advance one will .

robrenz : i gave him some good links since i know well that range of power supply . But i don't know any of the power supply i've genuenly asked for.  I actually asked for your experiance *with that praticular supply* - yes i have no experiance with different supplies .. though i do have some info I've learnt through some posts I've red in here ...

I am into the aditude of listening you guys ... PM's are more then welcome :)

I rarely give fatherly advice, if its is not taken, so be it. |O


--- Quote from: robrenz on May 03, 2013, 03:51:14 pm ---I rarely give fatherly advice, if its is not taken, so be it. |O

--- End quote ---

Robrenz, just a word of advice, since you have my high respect here, don't contaminate your fatherly figure (yes, I'm totally agree with that  ;) ) with this kinda crap, please, leave this doomed thread.


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