Something is completely wrong.
I did not catch it at first but:
#baud 19200E81
is wrong, it is
#baudrate 19200E81
The log is supposed to log something like:
Tx: AA 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CB
Rx: AA 00 12 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C
I.e. with hex codes.
That probably means that it is not using the Modbus driver. Also note that Modbus exist in multiple version, the default is RTU, but there is also a Ascii and a LAN version that can be selected with a #subDriver statement.
As I supposed, I wrote a statement using a wrong syntax...... I apologize for that.
I rewrote the following very simplified definition file, retriving just one register (Firmware):
#idString GS,A3
#name GS A3
#handle A3
#driver Modbus
#port comfixedbaud
#baudrate 19200E81
#value Firmware Unit INT
#initCmd address 5
#scpiCmd Firmware? holding? 0x8000
#askValues Firmware;
Now something begin to work, starting TC in debug mode, if I type Firmware? in the command line, I get:
;; jSerialComm version: 2.10.3
;; Start thread for: COM6 - GS A3
;; COM6: Set params: 19200E81
;; COM6: Tx <address 5>
;; Found GS A3 on USB-RS485 Cable (COM6)
;; A3: Tx <Firmware?>
;; A3: Tx <holding? 0x8000>
;; COM6: Tx: 05 03 80 00 00 01 AC 4E
;; COM6: Rx: 05 03 02 01 20 49 CC
;; A3: Rx <288>
;; 288
which is correct (except I would like to show it as an hex).
Anyway, selecting the tab "Current Values" I get an infinite number of message like:
;; A3: Tx <Firmware>
;; A3: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
;; A3: Tx <Firmware>
;; A3: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
What is going on? I think I missed something.......