SingleValue driver is fine for this (AsciiBlock could also be used, but it a bit more complicated).
Get rid of the #eol that do not match a CR/LF (A "#eol \r\n" would, but it not needed).
Only use a #askValues if you need to poll for the value and then you need to put the actual poll after the #askValues, for devices that sends automatic your do not want a #askValues.
Thanks for the fast reply! Is Delphi still existing?
I cleaned up my definition, but it is not working. There is still the Tx-command.
See definition and report:
#author bad_driver
#idString ESPeasy1,Temp
#name ESPeasy1 Temp
#handle ESP1
#port 23
;#eol \r\n
#driver SingleValue
#value Temperature °C d4 TEMPC
;; jSerialComm version: 2.10.3
;; Start thread for: - ESPeasy1 Temp
;; Found ESPeasy1 Temp on
;; Mode reported: <>
;; ESP1: Tx <VALUE?>
;; ESP1: Rx Timeout
;; ESP1: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
;; ESP1: Tx <VALUE?>
;; ESP1: Rx Timeout
;; ESP1: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
;; ESP1: Tx <VALUE?>
;; ESP1: Rx Timeout
;; ESP1: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
;; ESP1: Tx <VALUE?>
;; ESP1: Rx Timeout
;; ESP1: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
;; ESP1: Tx <VALUE?>
;; ESP1: Rx Timeout
;; ESP1: Rx as numbers <No data (timeout?)>
;; ESP1: Tx <VALUE?>
;; ESP1: Rx Timeout