Products > Test Equipment

Protek 506, is it still a good choice?

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Electric flower:
Im looking for a decent multimeter for low price and i came upon Protek 506 for 50$, it has been few years since it was bought but it is brand new, never used. I searched on forum and internet and i haven't found anything that would help me, if there is someone who has it i would appreciate few answers to my questions?
- how many measurments per seconds it does?
- have you had any problems with it?
- do you think it's a good multimeter?
- are there any flaws with it?
- is it logical to buy a multimeter that has been out almost longer than im alive?
Also i'm not planing to use it for measuring something more than mains.

Thanks for your time and help, cheers.
I have read what Dave has said for newbies but i don't know where else i can post this, searching gave me no result.

If this is your first multimeter it is fine.

If you already have a 8 1/2 digit meter it is not so precise.

It's an OK meter, nothing much wrong with it.
Lots of choice in that price bracket these days though.

Electric flower:
Just one more queston, Protek 506 or Uni-t ut 61E?

The Uni-T is a generation newer.
It will probbably have nicer backlight display and be a little more responsive.

I would compare  specs and make your choice.


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